mlab mlab-module atmega isp isp-programmer programmer mlab-atmega mlab-avr mlab-programmer


The ATprogISPUSB02A is an MLAB module enabling ISP programming of Atmel AVR microcontrollers. It offers USB power supply with 3.3V or 5V options and is compatible with STK500 programmers, allowing easy creation of Arduino-compatible ATmega modules.

This is an open-source hardware design, one of the modules from the MLAB labolatory system.


The ATprogISPUSB02 is an MLAB-developed ISP (In-System Programmer) for Atmel AVR microcontrollers. The module is powered via USB, providing a power output selectable between 3.3V and 5V to power the target microcontroller.


Functional Overview

This device is designed with an embedded firmware that grants compatibility with the STK500 programming protocol, enabling the user to interact with a broad range of microcontrollers and software programming environments.

The ATprogISPUSB02A allows for direct programming of the AVR family of microcontrollers through the ISP interface. It can be used to write and erase flash memory, EEPROM, and set fuse bits on the microcontroller.

One of the unique features of this programmer module is its ability to flash bootloaders onto ATmega microcontrollers, effectively transforming them into Arduino-compatible devices. This ability to manipulate the boot sequence and firmware of the microcontroller opens up the versatility of Arduino's expansive library of community-developed code and resources.

Key Features and Specifications

  • Supports ISP programming of Atmel AVR microcontrollers
  • USB interface for programming and power delivery
  • Power options: 3.3V or 5V power output to the target, sourced directly from USB
  • Firmware compatibility with the STK500 programming protocol
  • Ability to flash Arduino bootloaders onto ATmega microcontrollers

Relevant Links and Resources

For more technical understanding and in-depth information on the mentioned topics, consider visiting these links:

The ATprogISPUSB02A module by MLAB offers a powerful toolset for those working with AVR microcontrollers, especially for those interested in leveraging Arduino’s broad usability. Utilize this efficient and flexible solution for your microcontroller programming needs.